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Alicia East

3 new skills to learn for a new reality

3 new skills to learn for a new reality 2500 1667 Alicia East

We can only guess what things will look like on the other side of this. And for me, I can’t spend too much brain space guessing. Not only has my history of predicting the future not proven very accurate, it also takes energy and time away from what’s in front of me in my actual world.

What we do know is that some things simply won’t be the same. Even as restrictions ease up in some places, the virus is still raging and the world is still changing. Some of the changes will stick. Doctor Fauci recommends ending handshaking permanently, for example. The business world was already moving rapidly toward telework and online interaction. Now, you might say it’s Zoom-ing there even quicker.

So what can we do right now to prepare for what’s ahead? The combination of being home more often and navigating a changing world makes now a great time to learn a skill for the new normal. We’ve identified 3 that will serve you well in both business and health.

These 3 skills set you up to adapt to a changing world


As a fairly new medium that democratizes the process of getting heard, it’s been compared to the blogging of 15 years ago. Major bonus during a pandemic: You can podcast from home without fancy gear, other people, or permission from anyone. Also like blogging, podcasting likely won’t be a big money-maker in itself. But if you can get established and find your niche, you can build a platform for your work and products. And a platform? Well that, of course, is invaluable.

I learned the basics–and met some great people virtually–with Seth Godin’s podcast fellowship. It was affordable and got me started with the basic foundational technical knowledge and necessary equipment. It can be as simple as a computer (had it) and a headset (30 bucks). The website says it will be offered again but there are similarly-priced courses available elsewhere. If you want to make a career of producing podcasts, you may want to invest in something that goes deeper. If you’re ready to drop nearly 3K, consider The Podcast Engineering School which will take you deep into the finer points. Keep in mind that you may end up racking up the tab on the other tools of the trade. Think mixers, boom mics and more.

Cyber Security

Hackers and scammers are not new, but their tactics evolve to every new situation. They’ll come after your credit card info, your identity, and your stimulus money. They can seriously blow your life up. Rest assured (?), if it can happen to Equifax, the government, and Zoom, it can surely happen to you. Becoming a security expert is good for your own financial world, of course. In addition, being able to offer security advice to your clients or employer makes you that much more attractive. Whether or not you’re consulting as a security expert, just being savvy enough not to fall for a scam (like this one, which took a Shark Tank judge for nearly 400K) could save your job and reputation. Udemy offers The Complete Cyber Security Course: Hackers Exposed, along with a boatload of other courses to solve nearly any business challenge.


While you may not think it’ll directly benefit your work, knowing how to garden feeds mind, body, and soul, which pays dividends in every other area. It also helps the environment and ensures you can put food on the table even when the supply chain gets interrupted. P.S. You can’t work if you can’t eat.

You can learn about gardening in any number of ways and many of them are free. It’s also a rabbit hole you could spend your life getting lost in. As a gardener with a couple of years (and a million google searches) under my belt, this particular course by Ron Finley (the gangster gardener) has really piqued my interest. I mean, the man calls air “gangster as f%#k.”

Your investment in Masterclass also gets you access to everything from basketball to acting. You name a skill, it’s probably there. And it’s taught by, well, a master. Even if you don’t plan to become a professional tennis player, you might enjoy learning about it directly from Serena Williams. Surely some insight from one of the greats will benefit you and enrich your life.

Bottom line

Netflix and home haircut tutorials can only take so much of your time. If you’re ready to be mentally stimulated instead of just entertained, there are endless opportunities. What skills have you taken the time to learn with all this extra time at home?

Time to get outside and grow some stuff!

Time to get outside and grow some stuff! 2560 1920 Alicia East

You’ve baked a cake from scratch. You’ve lost too many hours of your life to Tiger King. You have a jar of sourdough starter on the counter. You know what it’s time for? Something (anything) outside. You could take advantage of this rare period of time when you’re not driving through the Chick-fil-a on your way to soccer practices and take a walk with your quarancrew. Do it in a place where you can keep practicing social distancing, though! You could forage for mushrooms (but only after educating yourself on the subject, please). Better yet: you could grow some food in your yard, on your patio, or even on your counter!

If you’re thinking about producing some of your own food, you’re not alone. Some seed companies are short on stock and local nurseries are running out of starter plants. There are still options though and you don’t even need a traditional garden with rows or some ambitious plan to feed your family for a year. Even people with a small patio or simply a sunny windowsill can produce a satisfying crop at home.

Here are 5 ways to produce your own food (even without a big yard).

  1. Raised bed plots: This is a great option to get you outdoors and growing a few goodies with minimal investment of time and energy. You can grow a surprising amount of food in a 4×4 plot and you don’t even have to tear up your yard. If you find you love it, you can add new plots next year. Here’s an intro to the method of Square Foot Gardening.
  2. Potted porch plants: Without any yard at all, you can grow some herbs, greens, and maybe even a few tomato plants right on your back porch or patio. Herbs are a great place to start because they cost so much in the store and go bad quickly once harvested. Growing your own means you can step outside for a breath of fresh air and come in with a handful of aromatics. Bonus: you’re less likely to forget about something you see regularly than a plot in the corner of your yard. No porch? We got you, too! 👇
  3. Sunny windowsill: Some plants–especially herbs like basil and mint–thrive without the traditional requirements. To avoid disappointment, look for varieties that do well indoors before you buy.
  4. Indoor growing systems: You can invest in a system like this one with lights and the capacity to grow dozens of plants at a time or you can get a small tabletop aquaponic system to grow some greens and entertain your kids at the same time. The large systems require a big upfront cost and regular nutrients, but the big bonus is that you can do this year-round. The small systems aren’t especially economical for the amount of food you get, but some say the experience is priceless. Plus right now, Back to the Roots is offering 30% (code LOVEMOM30) off with a mother’s day special.
  5. Indoor/outdoor fruits: We saved the most ambitious for last. Even if your climate isn’t known for growing fruit, you may be able to grow fruit trees in pots. Many of these grow well indoors most of the well and benefit from being outside during summer months.

This is admittedly a departure from our usual topics, but after weeks of hunkering down indoors, Crew Connection felt it was time to talk about doing something (anything) outside. (Of course, if you need to contact a video crew, give us a call!) While a big perk of gardening is of course the good clean food you’ll harvest, it also carries the bonus perks of helping you get a little exercise. Whether you’re concerned about food security or simply want to have the yard you’ve dreamed of, now is a good time to get out and grow some stuff.

A Message from Crew Connection

A Message from Crew Connection 814 429 Alicia East

We’re all hurting

From crews in Alaska to clients down under, we’re in touch with people around the globe. One thing has become clear through our communications: We’re all hurting right now. The impact of COVID-19 has been felt by individuals, families, professionals, and companies across the globe.

We will make it through

Despite the challenges, our communities are resilient. Crew Connection brings people together. Our network of crews tells stories, reports news, and pushes limits with original content. While our location scouts are not very busy, our editors are still humming along. Our producers are planning the next impactful project and our Coordinators are on hand – ready to help with your live streams.

We’re here for you

We have strengthened our relationships with our at-home workforce of editors, motion graphics designers, and producers. We have our finger on the pulse of local permissions that allow news crews to get out there. As you navigate the challenges of COVID-19, please reach out with any questions and concerns. During times of crisis, people turn to the media for information, comfort, and entertainment. Crew Connection and our experienced video crews are and will continue to be here for the artists around the world who are creating and informing our global community.

Stay safe and healthy!

How video is more important than ever

How video is more important than ever 2560 1707 Alicia East

(and why you don’t have to scrap your projects in progress!)

Millions of people have found their lives turned upside down by the sudden and dramatic appearance of COVID-19. While leaders and experts rush to control a pandemic, Americans are altering their schedules and staying home in order to remain healthy and feel secure. 

Video Pros Don’t Stop, Won’t Stop

You may not be able to get toilet paper, but you absolutely can get video production services. Despite setbacks, this industry is filled with innovative talent who love a good challenge. There’s a reason we’re called “creatives!” 

With new limitations in place, many video production teams are offering simple solutions to keep employees working and businesses running. 

Tools to keep communication humming  

Many are turning to the following right now to keep connections active and information flowing: 

  • Live-streaming content
  • Editing old footage into a new message
  • Remotely recording audio and creating animations
  • Recording podcasts to get an important message out to a large team quickly


Live streaming is one of the best resources available to keep your business running smoothly. It is an incredibly valuable tool for those who cannot attend your event or meeting. Not only does it enable you to share necessary information, but it accomplishes the more important goal of bringing people together during a time of isolation. 

Post-production for the win! 

Editors are coming to the rescue to salvage projects. If you are in the middle of a video project and are unable to complete it as originally planned,  you don’t need to scrap all your hard work (even if you weren’t able to capture every shot you planned for). An editor can creatively manipulate footage to provide a cohesive final piece or provide options to rework what you do have. Plus, files and footage can easily be shared online, meaning most work can be done remotely. You don’t even have to come out of quarantine. 

See the opportunity 

This pandemic has been likened to war and every battle is an opportunity to unite and help one another. At its heart, video is a medium that inspires people. It connects people around the world, influences changes, and creates a sense of community and hope. Now more than ever, we can rely on technology and the internet to bring us together. If you have a message to share, we have a crew who can create it for you. 

The bottom line 

We can vouch for several Live Streaming Production Companies around the country that are committed to quality and safety. We also have amazing editors, audio technicians, and production specialists in your area continuing to serve your community.

Please reach out to a Crew Connection Coordinator if you have questions about securing your video production needs. We have decades of experience and creative solutions. 

And of course: Be safe and wash your hands! 


Post production ideas to stay profitable

Post production ideas to stay profitable 2560 1707 Alicia East

No matter what industry you are in, COVID-19 has created a new normal. It’s up to us as creatives to continue to earn that moniker in a whole new way! 

How do we adjust our habits to adapt to this new reality? 

One of our biggest advantages as video professionals is that we are on the forefront of technology.

Many of your clients are asking themselves how to do a video conference, a live Zoom feed, or quality video production fed to Facebook. Chances are, you have that expertise as a media professional already. Still, the recent shift has us all on our heels, wondering how we will make up for cancelled shoots, lost content, and rescheduled events.

Enter post-production services 

Many editors have been living a “Shelter In Place” lifestyle since Grey’s Anatomy premiered. These types of editors and artists work from home, work efficiently, and can execute your vision in the same way a DP might light an interview. They are more than ready to handle anything we can give them as we get creative with new content, post production, animation, graphic design, and motion graphics. 

Changing times call for a shift in creative vision. 

A canceled shoot doesnt mean the content can’t be created, it means it must be created in a different way. It’s time to turn your in-person testimonial into an infographic, and your instructor tutorial into a walk-through animation. Ask your editor: “How can this project be visually represented in a different way?” Motion graphics editors, graphic designers, and animators build their careers on solving such challenges. 

In short, you don’t have to default to halting all jobs in process. Consider creative solutions to offer your clients and salvage your contracts (and income!). 

Rethink old projects 

While you’re spending extra time at home, dig up old projects that never hit the edit. Remaster an old, successful piece of content that could use a refresh. The world of post-production is what brings your vision to life and is a way you can continue projects regardless of community lockdowns. 

Bottom line 

You’re creative. You’re scrappy. And you can continue to provide content to the masses by reaching out to those artists who can execute your vision right from their sheltered-in-place offices. There’s a reason necessity is the mother of invention. You may surprise yourself with the creative solutions you come up with.  

Whether you’re looking to hire someone or get hired for post production, we can help. Book services or sign up to be a part of our online database. If you’re already one of our crews, now is a great time to update your profile to highlight your post production services.


The COVID-19 Pandemic: Resources to get you through

The COVID-19 Pandemic: Resources to get you through 2560 1707 Alicia East

Whether your at-home reality is more demanding than usual because you’re caring for kids while trying to keep up with work or you’re on the other end of the spectrum with little to do and only Netflix to keep you company, reality has changed for everyone.

Below is a list of resources for everything from medical guidelines to financial information to help you navigate the new landscape.


The CDC is the definitive source of information on the medical side of this thing. The website offers tips for how to protect yourself and what to do if you’re sick. It also includes a video on proper hand washing. On the other 👋, this one, from the Ellen show, goes through the same 7 steps for proper hand washing, while also providing some much-needed levity.

While there’s much research yet to be done, we do know that this is an incredibly contagious virus, so the best thing you can do is to avoid it by limiting exposure to anyone and anywhere you might encounter it. Social distancing guidelines advise that you do your best to stay at home if your work isn’t essential, follow the CDC guidelines to reduce your chances of becoming infected, and follow the guidelines for social distancing.


Check out this CARES Act summary from the New York Times or these highlights from Forbes. You may qualify for some relief.

Find a rundown on the Small Business Economic Disaster Loans here as well as a thorough guide and checklist from the Chamber of Commerce here. These loans may help some small businesses keep employees employed and could also be forgiven completely.

This article, from Forbes, highlights the Families First Coronavirus response Act (FFCRA). Find out if you qualify for sick leave here.

More people qualify for unemployment than ever before and many self-employed people are included. See this article for more information on who qualifies and how to apply.  If you do qualify, visit your state’s department of labor and follow instructions for how to apply.

Many mortgage companies are offering loan forbearance in the form of suspended or reduced payments for a period of time. Find out details here and contact your mortgage company to get the process started. Due to high call volumes, some companies have special COVID-19 relief sections on their websites. Many utilities, credit cards, car payments, and other loans are suspending late payment fees or offering loan payment holidays or other forms of forbearance. Get ready to spend some time on the phone. Take heart: It’ll be worth it when you can hit the pause button on some of your most pressing bills.


You know that word you’ve been hearing over and over and over again? Unprecedented. Well it’s true. These are unprecedented times and we are laying the tracks as the train is coming. Hang in there. It will bring out the best and the worst in people: Choose to let it bring out the best in you. We’re all in this together.

Proof of Insurance Means More Bookings

Proof of Insurance Means More Bookings

Proof of Insurance Means More Bookings 760 350 Alicia East

We want your business to be as successful as possible. To that end, Crew Connection requires its independent contractors to carry insurance. We don’t do it because we just love paperwork; we do it because it helps our clients and freelance media professionals pull off the best projects possible. More and more, clients are looking to book a video production crew with all insurance protections. 

Uploading your proof of insurance not only protects you, your crew, and your project—it makes you more desirable to clients. 

Protection for you and your project

More and more often, clients come to us looking for media professionals who have both general liability and worker’s compensation insurance. When a freelance media professional on set doesn’t have coverage, it puts everyone involved at risk of costly audits and potential lawsuits. When you’re tied up in a legal battle or struggling to pay fines, it’s really hard to pull off a flawless shoot. Requiring certificates of insurance protects all parties. 

The Independent Contractor Agreement you accept when you become one of our crews states that contractors must carry “Commercial General Liability Insurance (including, but not limited to, premises-operations, broad form property damage, products/completed operations, contractual liability, independent Suppliers, personal injury)” and “Workers’ Compensation insurance as required by Statute, and Employer’s Liability insurance.”

If you don’t think you’re required to carry worker’s compensation insurance, give us a call anytime at 303-526-4900 or contact us to talk through the details. If you choose not to upload any proof of worker’s compensation, clients won’t be able to contact you without first going through a coordinator.

Clients want to book a video production crew without risk

Every day, clients use Crew Connection’s filters to search for media professionals who carry the general liability and workers’ compensation insurance they require. Don’t let your competitors beat you to the booking just because you lack insurance coverage.

Luckily for you, Crew Connection makes proving your insurance coverage easy. All you have to do is upload your paperwork to the Professional Documents section of your company profile. Now your coverage will show up under Insurance Type in the Our History section of your company profile. Keep reading for step-by-step instructions on uploading your insurance documents on Crew Connection.

Please note that we aren’t able to book Crew Connection crews who have expired insurance. In order to prevent missing out on any projects, please remember to update your certificates of insurance on Crew Connection before they expire.

Here’s how:

1. Sign up as a crew or log in to your existing company profile.

2. You’ll land on your My Account page. Click on Professional Documents in the left sidebar under Crew Profile.

3. Upload your certificates of general liability and workers’ compensation insurance under the Insurance headline in the Professional Documents section. List the certificate holder as “Crew Connection, 211 Violet St. #100, Golden, CO 80401.” Upload multiple documents by selecting using the Choose Files button.

4. Click Save and then OK to save your upload.

5. Click View Profile in the top left corner to see your updated Insurance Type in the Our History section of your company profile!

Not signed up for Crew Connection yet? What are you waiting for—it’s easy! Looking for more tips and trips for getting more bookings on Crew Connection? Check out our full advice series here.


give thanks sign | Crew Connection

10 emotions of Thanksgiving week

10 emotions of Thanksgiving week 6024 4024 Alicia East

Once a year, a holiday whose very name specifically calls to mind all we have to be grateful for rolls around. And every year, we think of you–the clients and customers who make our work possible. We also think of pie, every form of potato, and stretchy pants.



On Monday, with a short work week ahead and the comforting knowledge that nobody’s calling a meeting on Wednesday.


On Tuesday, when we realize that if the year keeps going at this speed, 2020 is basically tomorrow.


When we count the days and conclude we still have 26 shopping days between turkey and ham days, respectively.

4. JOY

When it’s finally Thursday and for the first time all year, nobody’s in a hurry.


As we strategize our meal–knowing we need to leave room for Aunt Ida’s corn soufflé and Grandma’s cookies with the “secret” ingredient (everybody knows it’s almond extract).


When the conversation inevitably turns to politics and we have to decide whether to body slam Aunt Ida or hand her a drink and gracefully change the subject.


When carpool karaoke comes on and gives us something we can all agree on. Even Aunt Ida.


When we eat the first middle and last pieces of pumpkin pie and then opt to plop down in front of the football game.


Did someone say stretchy pants?


For family, friends, and a little time to just sit and be.

About Crew Connection

Crew Connection provides you with a video production team that gets things done. Get your equipment together in front of the biggest clients all over the world—for free. At Crew Connection we pay video and post-production providers within thirty days of receiving your invoice. If you need assistance, our coordinators are on call around the clock. Sign in to Crew Connection, call 303-526-4900, or email

video camera | Crew Connection

Need a Crew ASAP?

Need a Crew ASAP? 5760 3240 Alicia East

Wondering what to do when you need finding a crew to be as easy (and as fast) as ordering a pizza?

Experienced Video Crews

It’s 3 PM on a Friday. Your boss needs a full crew for a last-minute production. It starts Monday. What do you do?

First, take a deep breath and bite your tongue if you feel like using it in a way you will regret later. Second, remember that you have options. Finding a production crew (a real one — not your neighbor Carol’s daughter and a half dozen of her film school friends!) on a tight schedule can feel daunting, but it is possible.

Here are four tips for finding a video crew on a tight schedule

Review reels and portfolios

You wouldn’t cast a lead actor without hearing them read the script, and you shouldn’t hire a video crew without first vetting them. Take some time — even if you feel like you don’t have any — to review candidates’ portfolios to find crews that have worked on similar projects and have the skills you’re looking for. Look for a portfolio of work that reflects the level of quality you expect for your project.

Don’t skip steps

While taking some shortcuts may seem like an obvious solution, doing so can do more harm than good. A bad edit can cause you to go way over budget in re-edits, and low-quality sound can turn off an audience faster than a power button.

You can avoid these and many other potential fiascos by only working with carefully vetted crews whose quality you can count on. But that’s hard to do if you skip over the vetting or portfolio review processes — unless you have someone you can trust who can do many of the steps for you.

That’s what our Crew Coordinators do, btw. We’ll evaluate your project’s needs and then search through our database of fully-vetted, qualified crews and deliver them right to your inbox. From there, you review the profiles and portfolios of crews guaranteed to match your needs, and choose the one that’s right for you. You’re not skipping any steps. We’re just doing them for you. 👍

Prioritize experience

When you need to find a video crew fast, you can hone your search by looking for video crews with experience. A veteran crew already knows the ropes and will be able to handle the pressures of a tight timeline.

They’re usually better with time management, anticipating problems, and solving any hiccups that might arise. And a solid crew will get it right the first time. This can help keep production on track, preventing overtime and other expenses. While it sometimes seems like a bigger investment upfront, it often ends up saving money and time in the long run to hire the true pros.

Use a crewing agency

The most beneficial and efficient thing you can do when assembling a crew on a tight timeline is to use a crewing agency. It’s important that you work with a crew you can trust to do its job quickly, effectively, and, most importantly, correctly. But trust comes with time, and when you have to book a new crew next week, that’s in short supply.

With a pool of carefully-vetted, highly-qualified crews you can trust and crewing support you can depend on, Crew Connection has trust built right into the experience. Think of Crew Connection as your personal matchmaker (your best friend who finishes your sentences, not your meddling Aunt Ida!) that brings your project and the right crew together. You trust us, we trust the crew, and it’s a match!

Work with Crew Connection to get the crew you need

Crew Connection was designed with projects, schedules, and clients like you in mind. By connecting you directly with qualified video production crews, Crew Connection turns crewing into one of the simplest parts of your job, even on a short timeline.

Whether it’s the middle of the night or right down to the wire, you can search, contact, and book a crew on the phone with your Crew Coordinator or online. Our international database offers best-in-the-business video crews. Crew Connection can get the right experts with the right gear right when you need it. Even tomorrow.

About Crew Connection- Video Crews with Experience

Crew Connection puts a suite of marketing tools at your fingertips. Get your demo reels, stills, gear, awards, and more in front of the biggest clients all over the world—for free. At Crew Connection we pay video and post-production providers within 30 days of receiving your invoice so your work and your life are never interrupted. Need live assistance or want to add quality jobs to your pipeline? Our crew coordinators are on call around the clock. Sign in to Crew Connection, call 303-526-4900, or email

camera parts | Crew Connection

Renting versus buying camera equipment

Renting versus buying camera equipment 2880 1767 Alicia East

It’s a lasting dilemma for film crews, production houses, and freelance camera people: Do I buy camera equipment or rent gear on a case-by-case basis? You may purchase the latest and greatest only to find it sitting on the shelf when the next best thing replaces it a month later. We talked to Pierre Habib of Dunia Films to take some of the mystery out of renting camera equipment.

Here’s what we found out.

What to think about no matter what:

Freelance video production gear maintenance comes with a cost. You can buy great gear and get quality images without having to spend an arm and a leg. But lower quality film equipment also has a tendency to get beat up more quickly. Video production is rigorous. Reputable rental companies can provide a replacement if something happens to your gear —a guarantee you may not be able to make yourself.

Not all cameras are created equally. Entry-level cameras depreciate in a couple of years. High-level ones have a longer shelf life. The camera that starts out filming high-budget films may be more appropriate for indies and TV commercials after a couple of years, but that still gives you time to ride the wave. If you buy something entry-level, consider selling before it depreciates completely and using that money to invest in your next piece of gear.

Grips are forever

Grip gear has been the same for the last 100 years and will remain so for the foreseeable future. You may upgrade your camera 35 times before you need a new jib. It maintains its value forever. That said, if you don’t want to haul your stuff around when traveling and spend big bucks checking an extra bag at the airport, you can rent grip gear for about $4 a day versus buying it new for $130.

…but lighting isn’t

Speaking of hauling crap around—LED lights are big, bulky and rapidly evolving. Like cameras, their value depreciates instantly. The second you walk out of the store with a new piece of lighting equipment, there will be something better and cheaper available. Keep this in mind as you determine how to best invest in your business.

A camera is never just a camera

With all their promise and sparkle, they are really fun to buy, but in order for it to be everything you want it to be, you will need to buy more than the device itself. If you can’t afford the accessories that make it functional, you can’t afford the camera. It’s that simple.

Four scenarios to buy camera equipment new:

  • If you will use the gear a lot. Check out rental houses’ day rates. They typically range from around 5% to 9% of the cost to own the equipment. So if you do the math and know you’ll use the gear for 20 days or more, you are better off buying.
  • The risks are low and the rewards are potentially high. Even if you don’t expect a piece of gear to be a large part of your business, if the technology isn’t too cost- or time-prohibitive, you don’t have much to lose. Now that the costs have come down, drones are a good example of a low-risk product. You can buy a low-end drone, get a ton of practice, and invest in something better later if you find it serves your business well. Dive in. Have fun.
  • You’ll make it a big portion of your business model. If your budget allows and you will use the equipment frequently—invest. It may be a financial stretch upfront, but if it brings new business or allows you to offer the best to your clients, it’s worth it.
  • You will get high value for your gear even if the technology quickly improves. If a product offers a huge value to the business today, who cares if something better and sleeker equipment is available later? Some dinosaur cameras like the MD MARK II give a look and feel that people love. If you can get a great deal on something like that and get great practice using it, you have nothing to lose.

What to think about when buying used or renting online:

Buy used when you don’t need the latest and greatest. Rental houses make money in two ways. They rent gear until they make a profit and then they sell the used gear. You can get something pretty great from their retail side at a much better price. The same applies online at places like By skipping brick and mortar, online companies are able to offer lower prices, but the lower cost comes with a downside. You don’t get a chance to see or test your equipment. And even with overnight shipping, any malfunction means waiting for replacement gear, which can be very costly when you have other crew members and a tight schedule.

Consider participating in a gear exchange site. KitSplit allows owners to rent their own gear out to make a few bucks and renters to find the gear they need from others in the film industry.

The bottom line

If you arm yourself with a little bit of info, you can make smart decisions about new technology.

This post originally appeared on ProductionHub here.

Enjoying our series on how to invest in your freelance company? With almost three decades in the industry, we have a lot of tips—and connections. Sign yourself up on Crew Connection for free and let our international clients come to you. Want to talk to one of our coordinators? Contact Us here or call us anytime at 303-526-4900.